
Thursday, January 13, 2011

VAGUENESS - the unavoidable element in our ultimate perception of reality.

Upon resuming my office seat today; I start thinking for topics for today’s blog. The topic hunt ended with nothing in mind while hands were getting anxious to hit the keyboard keys. Then, I decided to write about ‘Nothing.’ Strange.. isn’t it? Yeah, because I got nothing in the result of my brain storming for the topic. Well, again, it’s a great difficultly. Nothing has a very vast horizon and having so many implications and dimensions. Somehow, I got blocked for innovative ideas, felt so empty.

Sometimes, upon putting much of the effort, we get nothing at the end. Here, I did not mean effort in some concrete work. Rather, I’m referring to the mental effort and energy that we put in thinking about something or discovering some reality. Although, we are able to understand some of the parts but a certain area remains vacuous. In my dictionary, this emptiness is known as ‘Vagueness.’ Every person has his own dictionary where he assigns certain meaning to certain words on the basis on his own choice or experience. Sometimes he borrows a meaning from other person’s dictionary and more often he disseminate his reference meanings to others, if he is a writer

My dictionary defines ‘Vagueness’ as, “The unavoidable element in our ultimate perception of reality.” Let’s expand the explanation.

There are two basic parts highlighted in the word’s explanation:

One, it is the unavoidable element – meaning we can not avoid or restrict it by any means. It will always be there with your perception of something (later referred as reality).

Two, in our ultimate perception of reality – This is somewhat complicated. Reality itself is very vague; it varies from individual to individual. So, just to understand the definition, let’s suppose ‘reality is absolute’, for a while. Perception of reality refers to image of reality in our minds. What’s real for us or to be more accurate, what we regard as real in our mind or our own insight about something which makes it the Truth for us.

Finally, the word ultimate refers to the final and decisive version. As most of us would agree, we form many opinions in our thought process, at the end of which, we reject all of our opinions and stick to the final opinion or decision.

I think this elusiveness that reflects from our thoughts and decisions actually lie inside us. All these grey-undefined areas actually represent the emptiness of our inner selves. Every time when we find some unaddressed or unprocessed idea; it implies that we are deficient and incapable of many things. Thus, this vagueness in our perceptions and thoughts actually refers to the foremost reality that we all are curtailed by nature and the humanistic capabilities are also restricted.

1 comment:

  1. Best one from you.I like the fact that this piece of writing from you is more fluid and effortless.keep up the good work and keep on working on your writing on the same track
